Man requires guidance that enlightens his mind, enabling them to think correctly. God alone is the source of this intellectual and spiritual light.

The Quran states, “God is the light of the heavens and the earth.” (24:35) This means that any light that exists emanates from the essence of God. Therefore, without God’s provision of light, no other source can provide it.

Consider the scenario where the sun ceases to exist. Darkness would envelop the Earth from all directions. Likewise, if there were no stars, the entire universe would be immersed in profound darkness. God has spread numerous radiant celestial bodies throughout the universe, ensuring that every part receives the gift of light. Without this cosmic arrangement, despite the vastness of the world, it would become a terrifying abyss of darkness.

This principle applies not only to physical light but also to intellectual and spiritual illumination. Every human being requires guidance that enlightens their mind, enabling them to think correctly and discover the spiritual nourishment that bestows wisdom for life. God alone is the source of this intellectual and spiritual light. There is no other spiritual light that a person can find anywhere other than in God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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