Mission of the People of Paradise

The present world allows us to prove our eligibility for Paradise, and the Hereafter is the period in which we will be granted Paradise.

Another great thing the man of Paradise shall have to do is continuously discover the various aspects of realization. This ‘realization’ is expressed in different ways: “The words of the Lord” (18:109), “the Lord’s wonders” (55:30), “signs of the Lord” (41:53), etc. The Creator who has created this meaningful universe is Himself, undoubtedly, more meaningful than thousands of such meaningful universes. A very tiny part of this meaningfulness has been discovered by modern science, but scientists have acknowledged that these discoveries are so insignificant that they may be likened to knowing more and more about less and less.

The discovery of such an infinitely meaningful Creator will be an experience that is simultaneously most joyous and unending. It is this joyous mission in which the people of Paradise will be engaged forever.

Man is another name for the mind. The mind’s job is to think. The thinking capacity of the mind is unlimited. A scientist once said that the number of particles found in the entire universe is to be found in the individual brain itself. Man’s mind is unlimited, but his age is limited. This means that no one can achieve intellectual fulfillment in the present world, although it is what man desires the most. Man’s utmost pleasure derives from using his mind and making discoveries. Discovery is the greatest joy for man, and it is this joy that he fails to find in this world.

God’s creation plan is the answer to this question. God’s creation plan tells us that human life does not end at death but will continue eternally after death. Therefore, the world after death is not only eternal but also ideal.

In this next world, man will have every opportunity to unfold his mind and prolong his creativity eternally. He will live continuously in an environment of thrilling discoveries.

This endless opportunity will be available to man in Paradise in the Hereafter. Paradise is not simply a place for enjoying a luxurious life. The more important aspect of Paradise is that, in the heavenly vastness of Paradise, all those factors will be present in an ultimately ideal form that were available in this world in an imperfect state. According to the Quran, man has been given everything in this world, but only in accordance with his needs (14:34). However, in the Hereafter, all this will be given according to man’s desire. (41:31)

Man is an idealist by birth. All men and women are, by their nature, perfectionists. But experience shows that no one in this world can find the ideal. Every man is seeking something unattainable in this world. In other words, man is a Paradise-seeking animal.

This Paradise will be available to man only in the Hereafter and only to those who prove themselves deserving of being lodged in Paradise. The present world allows us to prove our eligibility for Paradise, and the Hereafter is the period in which we will be granted Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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