Role of the Brothers of the Prophet

The Brothers of the Prophet will attain the realization of God at a higher level by uncovering the signs of God hidden in nature and will spread the divine message globally.

The Prophet of Islam started his dawah mission in 610 AD in Makkah. The Prophet being the final messenger, God decreed a powerful team of followers for him, known as the Companions. According to a prediction of the Prophet, during the last phase of human history, a powerful team of his followers would also be formed: this team is called Ikhwan-e-Rasool, the Brothers of the Prophet. With God’s exceptional support, this second team will play an important role during the last phase.

Both these groups are referred to in the Quran. We learn of this reality from a study of the last verses of chapter 48. The verses read as follows:

“Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Those with him are firm and unyielding towards those who deny the truth but compassionate towards one another. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves, seeking the grace of God and His good will. Their marks are on their faces, the traces of their prostrations; they are described in the Torah and the Gospel as being like a seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, becomes thick, and stands firm on its stem, delighting the sowers. He seeks to enrage the disbelievers through them. God has promised forgiveness and a great reward to those who believe and do good works.” (48:29)

In these verses, the Quran, referring to the Torah and the Bible, describes the individual character of the Companions, which found expression in their ability to recognize the Prophet of Islam on merit and support him without reservation. They were highly principled men, true worshippers, totally trusting God. The present Torah uses the word ‘saints’ for them. (Deuteronomy, 33:2)

In the Bible, Jesus Christ mentions the Companions of the Prophet using the simile of a tree (Matthew, 13: 31-32), symbolizing a historical process. One role of the Companions of the Prophet was performed in their times. Another role was that which was accomplished in the form of the process. The revolutionary role of the Companions set in motion a process in history that went on growing in later generations in various forms.

Four thousand years ago, a process of history was initiated in the desert of Arabia through Hajira and Ishmael. The group of the Companions of the Prophet in the seventh century culminated in this process. Another historical process began in the seventh century with the revolutionary mission of the Companions of the Prophet. The work of the Brothers of the Prophet will be the culmination of this second historical process.

It would appear from the traditions that this group, the Brothers of the Prophet, was to emerge in the scientific age. This group will be able to realize God at a higher level because of the knowledge accumulating from scientific research, which uncovers the signs of God hidden in nature. Equipped with new and powerful means of functioning in the form of technology, these people can perform the work at a global level. It is this process which is called in a Hadith, the entry of the word of God into all homes. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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