Last Word

Human history must be brought on the Godly path by realising the Creator and developing a Rabbani personality.

Islam brought about the greatest revolution in human history, but this fact was initially poorly appreciated by both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars. Eventually, the Muslims acknowledged the Prophet of Islam as their national pride, while Dr. Michael Hart (b. 1932) characterized Muhammad as “the supremely successful man in history.” (The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons of History, p. 3)

The Islamic revolution of the 7th century was based on monotheism. Before this, the entire human history had been based on the system of polytheism. For the first time, the Islamic revolution demolished this polytheistic system and ushered in a new age based on monotheism. In later centuries, the constructive events that took place in human life were a direct or indirect result of this religious or secular revolution.

This revolution was ideological and theological. It provided a great source of a high level of realisation. Having great spiritual resources, it had all the content or elements by which the human personality could be developed along positive lines. But what happened in practice was that man rushed to satisfy material desires. People looked only at the secular aspect of revolution and ignored the religious or spiritual aspect. Consequently, when polytheism was discredited, many took the path of atheism.

Now the time has come for man to discover God, the Creater and Sustainer of man. This world ensure those blessings destined for humanity: that is, high level of the realisation of the Creator, spiritual development of human personality, profound recognition of God. All of these can lead to the development of that godly (rabbani) human being deserving entry into Paradise in the Hereafter.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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