End of Religious Persecution

Today all obstacles to engaging in dawah work have been removed. Dayees of today must understand these changes and benefit from them for calling people to God.

In chapter 2, verse 286 of the Quran, the following prayer is recorded: “Our Lord, do not place on us a burden like the one You placed on those before us!” This prayer refers to the Prophet of Islam and his Companions. However, in this prayer, “we” means not just the Companions of the Prophet, but, in an extended sense, this prayer covers the whole of the Muslim community. This prayer has undoubtedly been granted, but not all at once in the 7th century. It was fulfilled in human history, a process that culminated in the 20th century.

Now the situation has changed in the 21st century. The dayees of today will neither have those problems relating to dawah that the Companions faced nor will they face any of the other problems that were numerous during the time of the Companions of the Prophet. Now the need of the hour is for today’s dayees to understand this change brought about over time and benefit from it. In present times, all the former obstacles have been removed from the path of engaging in dawah work. Now, if there is any obstacle in this path, it results from following the wrong policies; this obstacle can never stem from circumstances.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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