Message of Islam in Every Home

Today all opportunities have opened up globally to call people to God. The need of the hour is for believers to discover and avail of these opportunities.

A Hadith tells us that the message of Tawheed will reach every home at later times. These are the words of the Tradition: “There will be no home, big or small, where God’s word would not have entered.” (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814)

These words of the Prophet are, in fact, a prediction about the future, in which it has been stated that, in the human history of later times, such changes will take place that it will become possible for the call of Islam to reach every human being, that is the message of Islam will enter every home, big or small.

This kind of global entry of the word of God—idkhal-e-kalima—will not occur mysteriously but rather as a result of known causes. In the present times, all these causes have become a reality. Today, every kind of opportunity has opened up so that, according to the prediction of the Prophet of Islam, calling people to God may become possible globally.

The need of the hour is for believers to discover and avail of these opportunities. As it were, the generation of believers of modern times has inherited these changes. Therefore, this generation is duty-bound to become aware of these changes and, by using them, make the prediction given in this Hadith a reality.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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