Global Dawah Opportunities

Interaction at a global level today has created new opportunities. Believers must discover and use these opportunities to call people to God.

Chapter 22 of the Quran tells us that Prophet Abraham built the Kabah four thousand years ago. It is later alluded to, thus, in the Quran: “Call mankind to the pilgrimage. They will come to you, on foot, and on every kind of lean camel, by every distant track” (22:27). This verse of the Quran relates directly to the journey of Hajj. What is implicit is that by a gradual process, a time will come when people will reach Makkah by traveling from far-off places until Makkah becomes the centre of a global journey.

This verse of the Quran indicates that the time will come when the number of people undertaking this journey will be significantly increased. The invention of modern transport and communications has made this prediction a reality. Global travel has increased so much that the world is said to have become a global village. In present times, tourism has made such tremendous progress that a permanent tourist industry has come to exist. Tens of thousands of people travel from one place to another on a daily basis. This interaction at a global level has created new opportunities. The believer must discover and use these opportunities for dawah.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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