Arrangement of Guidance

God sent his prophets to guide man. They explained that life before death was a test, and in the Hereafter, they would be either rewarded or punished based on their actions.

God made this world as a testing ground. For this reason, God made a special arrangement for man’s guidance; He sent His prophets to every generation of human beings. These prophets made it clear to man what was the right or wrong way of life. They explained to the man that life before death was meant to test all humans. And the life after death would be an eternal life commensurate with their actions; they would be rewarded or punished. The advent of the prophets continued for thousands of years. But what happened, in effect, was that all these prophets could do was influence individuals. Their mission could not attain the level of a social revolution.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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