Maarifah: A Life with God

There is an Arabic proverb, “I do not know is half of knowledge,” that is, knowing our own unawareness is the starting point of knowledge. When a person learns that he does not know, the spirit of knowing is awakened within him. This spirit finally leads him to knowledge, and his unawareness becomes awareness. The same is true of maarifah. Man must first of all discover that he lacks in maarifah, and only then will the search for maarifah begin within him and will finally bring him to maarifah.

What brings one to knowledge is the spirit of enquiry. This spirit is a must for maarifah. Man must first of all know that without maarifah, he is in the dark. With maarifah, it is like living in the light, while without maarifah is like living in darkness. Without maarifah man can only experience failure, in this world as well as in the Hereafter. Maarifah enables man to live on a higher plane. A man of maarifah is able to understand the realities as they are. Maarifah makes a man worthy of being in the company of angels. Maarifah enables man to receive divine inspiration. Maarifah makes a man perfect. Maarifah is the source of guidance in this world and the source of Paradise in the Hereafter.

Maarifah is the right beginning for a human being’s journey in life. Maarifah is a means of leading an unaware man to a life of awareness. Maarifah enables man to lead a life with God rather than a life without God. It is possible with maarifah for man to discover his high potential and, with the help of God, make it an actuality. Maarifah enriches knowledge to the maximum and leads to the perfection of life.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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