Emergene of the Final Prophet

When all the details of the life and mission of a prophet are preserved with complete authenticity in written form, it becomes the most significant proof of the seal of prophethood. This authentic historical record guarantees that the Prophet’s mission will continue.

In one respect, the Prophet of Islam was a messenger like other messengers, but more importantly, he was the final prophet, called the “Seal of the Prophets” (33:40) in the Quran. The ‘Seal of the Prophets’ does not just mean the last of the prophets. More significantly, he draws a line of demarcation between two phases. The first phase of the call of monotheism concluded with him, and the second phase began after him. This second phase of dawah will continue till Doomsday.

Now the question arises as to what form the guidance should take, which has to be given to those born generation after generation after the cessation of prophethood.

We find the answer in the Quran: “It may well be that your Lord will raise you to a station of praise and glory.” (17:79)

In this verse of the Quran, ‘the station of praise and glory’ is no mysterious station. It instead means the station of a historically acknowledged prophet.

The prophetic guidance of all who preceded the Prophet of Islam was primarily confined to the period of their physical presence in this world. Therefore, belief in them after their death required historical authentication. But their lives were not recorded in the annals of history. As such, for later generations, their title to prophethood lacked historical credibility. When someone no longer exists, historical proof is required to support belief in him. Because of this, these prophets, from a purely historical viewpoint, no longer remained an authentic source of guidance for later generations.

For instance, on the subject of Jesus Christ, Bertrand Russell (d. 1970), the well-known British philosopher, writes in his book, Why I Am Not a Christian: “Historically, it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all.” (p. 12)

To place the Prophet of Islam in a position of praise and glory means that he was supported with factors that would help him attain the status of a historically acknowledged prophet. This would maintain his historical authenticity as a prophet, even after his death.

The Prophet of Islam is the only prophet whose entire life and mission have been placed on record in great detail. The Quran calls this established historical record ‘the position of praise and glory’ (17:79). When all the details of the life and mission of a prophet are preserved with complete authenticity in written form; it becomes the most significant proof of the seal of prophethood. This authentic historical record guarantees that the Prophet’s mission will continue. Then there remains no further need for another prophet.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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