Nature of Deviation

The deviation in the system of nature referred to in the history of religions as nature worship began with the Prophet Noah and continued until the Prophet Abraham.

In the matter of monotheism (Tawheed), man deviated in the sense that he started worshipping creatures rather than the Creator. Anything he found prominent or outstanding amongst created things, like the sun, moon, stars, mountains, seas, etc., became objects of worship for him. This practice is referred to in the history of religions as nature worship. Since there was a diversity of natural phenomena, the deities also multiplied. In the Quran, this concept of the manyness of the objects of worship is called polytheism (shirk).

This kind of deviation also took place in the matter of peace. As a result, man began to indulge in violence to achieve his goals instead of treading the path of peace. In this way, the entire human history became one of war and violence—wars between tribal leaders, wars between kings, wars between emperors, etc. The deviation in this system of nature began from the very age of Prophet Noah and continued until the time of Prophet Abraham.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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