First Stage of the History of the Universe

Man has been given complete freedom by his Creator. Based on the right or wrong use of freedom, man’s eternal future and position in the afterlife will be decided.

The universe was created by its Creator as a purposeful universe. The completion of this purpose took place in a gradual way. The initial history of the universe can be divided into six major periods:

1. Big Bang

2. Little Bang

3. Water Bang

4. Plant Bang

5. Animal Bang

6. Human Bang

According to scientific studies, an incredible explosion occurred in space about fifteen billion years ago called the Big Bang. All the universe’s particles were condensed as a super-atom at that time. This super-atom exploded. Afterward, this matter scattered throughout the vastness of space. Then this matter came together to form different bodies, and the material cosmos came into existence, filled with stars and planets.

About a billion years ago, a Little Bang occurred in one star. Then this star broke up into different parts. Subsequently, this formed the solar system in a far corner of the Milky Way.

Later, the Water Bang took place; hydrogen and oxygen, the two gases in the atmosphere, were combined to form water. This water continued to pour on the Earth as raindrops for a very long period of time. Then it accumulated in reservoirs in the deep oceans and seas.

After this, the Plant Bang occurred. That is, vegetation came into existence on the surface of the Earth. The whole surface of the Earth (which amounts to one-fourth of the planet), except for the oceans and seas, was covered with vegetation.

Then the Animal Bang took place, and different kinds of animals came into exitence. Fishes in the water and animals and birds on the land came into existence in large numbers.

After this, the Human Bang occurred. The Creator created man and situated him on Earth. From this point, a new history began. This history may be called the history of civilisation.

The entire universe, except for man, is governed by the laws of nature. All kinds of activities are governed by a system laid down by the Creator. All things play their roles following this system. But man is an exceptional case. Man has been given complete freedom by his Creator. He is free either to make proper use of his freedom or misuse it. Based on this right or wrong use of freedom, man’s eternal future will be decided, and his position in the afterlife established.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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