Discovery Involves Unfolding of the Mind

God has placed the knowledge of all things in man’s unconscious mind. Therefore, discovery is only an unfolding of the mind which can be scientific or spiritual in nature.

On further reflection, we find that what is called discovery in science is not a discovery but an unfolding. That is, what already exists potentially, has to be turned into actuality. The jinns had to discover something not inculcated in their nature, so they failed. That is why God made this easy for the next beings He created. He made the things known to man at the conscious level, which were already there at an unconscious level.

It is said of science that every discovery in science is a matter of chance. That is, scientists, by accident, discover things.

It would be more appropriate to say that scientific discoveries are not one of an accident but instead of a coincidence. That is, in the process of some experiment, an idea illuminates the mind of the scientist. This flash of inspiration coincides with some knowledge in his unconscious. Then after study and observation, he arrives at the point of a ‘new’ reality: this is what is called discovery.

For instance, a scientist was once observing a covered pot of water which was being heated. When the heat reached 100 degrees Celsius, the boiling water’s steam raised the pot’s lid. The scientist began to reflect on this and finally discovered that when the temperature of the water increases, its molecules break up and disintegrate in gaseous form, and with this molecular disintegration, steam power is produced. With this power, engines can be moved. The idea of this property of water already existed in man’s unconscious mind. This observation coincided with the idea in his mind; as a result, man discovered what is known today as steam power. In this way, it would be more appropriate to say that ‘discoveries are the results of coincidences.’

God has placed the knowledge of all things in man’s unconscious mind. Therefore, discovery is only an unfolding of the mind which can be scientific or spiritual in nature.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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