Earning A Living

It is best to work for one’s living

The Prophet, once questioned on the best way to earn a living replied, “By manual labour.”

The breadwinner should not consider himself superior to others

Of two brothers who lived in the time of the Prophet, one used to sit with the Prophet, while the other used to busy himself earning a living for his family. The latter complained of his brother to the Prophet: “He does nothing, leaving me to do all the work.” “Perhaps it is because of him that you find sustenance,” replied the Prophet.

            (RIYADH AS-SALIHIN

Running to another’s
assistance is a great religious duty

Abdullah ibn Abbas was once in retreat (i’tikaf) in the Prophet’s mosque in Madinah, when a man, who was clearly in trouble, came and sat beside him. When Abdullah ibn Abbas asked him what was the matter, he said, “I owe a man some money, and by him who lies in this grave, I am unable to pay him back.” “Shall I speak to your creditor on your behalf?” asked Abdullah ibn Abbas. The man approved of this suggestion, and Abdullah ibn Abbas at once set off. “Perhaps you have forgotten you are in retreat,” the man called after him. “No, I have not forgotten,” replied ibn Abbas, “but I have heard the words of the one who lies buried here-and it seems just like yesterday that he uttered them. I heard the Prophet say that running to the assistance of one’s brother and doing one’s utmost to help him is better than remaining twenty years in retreat.


One’s trust in God is one’s
greatest strength

“He who would be strongest of men should put his trust in God.”


Honest partners have a third
partner in God

The Prophet said: “So long as two partners working together do not deceive each other, they have a third partner in God, but when one deceives the other, God departs from them and the devil comes between them.”

Acting as spokesman for the
humble in position

Abdullah ibn Umar spoke in praise of anyone who kept rulers informed of humble men’s needs, when the latter had no access to those in power. God will make him sure of foot on the bridge,” said he, meaning the bridge over hell, “Where many feet will slip, and many will fall into the abyss.”


God’s generosity to the generous

These words are attributed to Almighty God in one of the Prophet’s sayings: Mankind, spend in God’s cause; it shall be you who shall receive.”

            (AL-BUKHARI, MUSLIM)

The value of right action

Umar once said that at night he had read a certain verse from the Quran and had been unable to sleep for the rest of the night. From the chapter, ‘The Cow,’ the verse read: “Would anyone of you like to have a garden of palm trees and vines. ... (2:266)” Umar asked those around him the meaning of this verse, and while some suggested that it was a parable relating only to palm-trees and vines, others said that its meaning was a mystery known only to God. Abdullah ibn Masud, one of those present at the time, was heard to say something, but shyness prevented him from raising his voice. “Speak up, nephew,” said Umar, to encourage him, and urged him to have the courage of his convictions. Abdullah ibn Masud then said that the verse was about actions. “In what way?” asked Umar. “It was just something which came to mind,” said Abdullah ibn Masud, “and I said it.” “Nephew, you have spoken the truth.” replied Umar, “for the verse is about actions. A man has greatest need of his orchard when he has grown old; man will have the greatest need of his good deeds when he is raised from the dead.”

            (IBN KATHIR, TAFSIR)

The greatest charity is that bestowed upon the most ill-provided for

Suraqah ibn Malik recalls the Prophet asking him if he wished to know the greatest act of charity. Suraqah said that he did. “It is to be kind to a daughter of yours who (having been widowed or divorced) returns to your home with no one to look after her but yourself.”

            (IBN MAJAH, SUNAN)

The greatest in intelligence is the least attached to the world

“If one were to leave a will for his property to be given to the most intelligent of men, it should be handed over to the one who is least attached to worldly things.”

            (IMAM SHAFI’I)

The best provision is that
which has been earned

“Man has not partaken of any provision more blessed than that for which he has worked with his own hands. That is what the Prophet David used to do. He lived on what he had earned.”

            (AL-BUKHARI, SAHIH)

Avoiding condescension

“Craftsmen are not to be looked down on,” said the Prophet Muhammad. “for Zakariyah-himself a Prophet-was a carpenter.”

            (MUSLIM, SAHIH)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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