Eternal Journey of Realisation

The people of Paradise will continue the eternal journey of discovering divine realisation in the heavenly environment.

Who are the fortunate souls who will bring about the spiritual civilisation of the Hereafter and will play that eternal role of unfolding the divine wonders in creation? They are the people who will prove that in this world with its limited environment and opportunities, they have the unique ability to reach the ultimate in the discovery of the realisation of God. This ability will make them deserving of the eternal journey of discovering divine realisation in an unlimited environment of Paradise.

In the 7th century A.D., the Ishmaelites were given the opportunity to become supporters and Companions of the final Prophet, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, and caused that process to set in in the traditional age, which was finally going to lead to the spiritual civilisation of Paradise.

What qualities did the Banu Ishmael have which made them eligible to be the Companions of the Prophet? One can understand this by an example. In ancient Makkah, those who belonged to the tribe of Quraysh were seekers after the truth. In the Traditions, such people are called hunafa, the seekers. One of these seekers was Zaid ibn Amr. He was often seen praying to God to tell him the best method of worshipping Him. He said, “Oh my God, had I known the best form of worship, I would have worshipped You in the same way, but I do not know” (Seerah Ibn-e-Kathir, Vol. 1, p. 154). This was before the advent of the Prophet.

This was not an individual event. It was indeed representative of a general quality the Ishmaelites possessed. In the 7th century, the people of Ishmael had begun to feel dissatisfied with their pre-Islamic religious traditions, and that is why, with the advent of Islam, God chose them to play a revolutionary religious role.

In the life Hereafter, the desired role that has to be played may be defined briefly as bringing about a spiritual civilisation. Spiritual people of a high order are required to perform this role.

Such are the people whose consciousness has, in respect of this present world, reached the stage of final discovery. These are the noble souls who discover divine wonders hidden in the divine creation. They are individuals whose discovery is so profound that they feel they have no words to express it. After seeing the wonders of this universe, they again exclaim: “O God, I do not know how to appreciate Your wonders. If I had known it, I would certainly have acknowledged it.”

In the present world, the unfolding of divine wonders is expressed in the common parlance of ordinary human beings, but in the world Hereafter, the unfolding of these divine wonders will be described in words specially bestowed by God. Moreover, in this world, this task is performed with the support of men, whereas in the Hereafter, this task will be performed with the help of the Angels. Subsequently, the emergence of the wonders of God will take place as is mentioned thus in the Quran:

“The earth will shine with the light of its Lord.” (39:69)

Those who will find an opportunity to continue the eternal journey of realisation are the people who have realised God while He was in the unseen.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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