Paradise is a world of divine civilization in which divine wonders will unfold. People of Paradise will live in all comfort. All their desires will find total fulfillment.

Paradise is a world of divine civilization. Whatever activities occur in this divine civilization can be explained briefly as the unfolding of divine wonders.

This activity will not be an activity in the simple sense but will instead be an experience of superlative joy. Here man will be able to engage in thrilling discoveries at every moment. He will experience everlasting joy. This is mentioned in the Quran in the following verse:

“They shall forever dwell in the Gardens of Paradise, desiring no change.” (18:108)

As we learn from the Quran and the Hadith, the people of Paradise will have many things for their comfort and luxury. The comfort and luxury in Paradise will be a matter of divine hospitality; that is, the actual activities of the people of Paradise will be designed to bring about the divine civilization. Along with this, the people of Paradise will be provided with all kinds of comfort by God, to the extent that all their desires will be fulfilled.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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