Our Actions Should Be Result-Oriented

The method of protest, the method of taking out procession is always counterproductive. You have to see the result. You must have seen many times that people protest against injustice, but the injustice does not end. For this, people need to be educated. We need to instill discipline and character in them.

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If you do not oppose injustice and remain silent, it means that you support it. How do you justify this, Maulana? Look, you should consider the results. Has injustice ever been eliminated by coming out on the streets and causing an uproar? Never. Just yesterday, I was listening on the radio that there are 300,000 industries closed in India. Why? The trade union leaders provoked the employees, leading to strike and protest. So, they had to close their industry. Coming out on the streets never solves any problem. A person has rightly said that the method of protest generates heat. It doesn't generate light. You should work in a peaceful manner. The method of protest, the method of taking out procession is always counterproductive. You have to see the result. You must have seen many times that people protest against injustice, but the injustice does not end. For this, people need to be educated. We need to instill discipline and character in them. That is, they don't do what needs to be done, which is, to work silently. And they come out on the streets with loudspeakers, making noise. They would say that they were doing this to end injustice. But instead they are adding another thing to injustice, which is anarchy.

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