When the Prophet was in Makkah, he had few companions. But they were in minority. When the Prophet went to Madinah, the Muslims were in majority. The Prophet gave the same formula for both places. A verse came down in Makkah: لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ (109.6) (For you your religion, for me mine).
Prophet's prophethood lasted for 23 years. There were two phases of it: Makkan period and Madani period. When the Prophet was in Makkah, he had few companions. But they were in minority. When the Prophet went to Madinah, the Muslims were in majority. The Prophet gave the same formula for both places. A verse came down in Makkah: لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ (109.6) (For you your religion, for me mine). In Madinah where the Prophet was in majority, he issued a declaration as head of the majority group. This is called Sahifatul Madinah. It read: For Jews their religion, for Muslims their religion. (Sirat Ibn Hisham, v. 1, p. 503) The Prophet used the same language as he did in Makkah. Whether Muslims be in minority or in majority, in the position of ruler or ruling alongside others, there is only one formula in both situations: Follow one and respect all.