Art of Time Management

The Quran tells us the importance of time management. Time management is a must for all of us. We have a very short time here on this earth. In only a few years’ time, we will face death. We should undertake a serious planning of our time in order to avail properly of our pre-death period. We have only two options before us, either to avail of the time wisely or face failure forever.

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People don't give importance to time management, or proper utilization of time. Rarely do people think about time management. The most that people know is that when they hear the call to prayer, they should reach the mosque and take the reward of being first to prayer. But being on time is required in every matter. 
The Quran says: Copy Arabic text (41:103) Believers are under the obligation to say their prayers at the appointed hours. The five obligatory prayers are to be performed at appointed hours. One cannot offer these obligatory prayers whenever one desires. Each of the five prayers have different time slots allotted to them. People think that being on time is only to be observed for prayer. This isn't true. This is a general principle stated with reference to prayers. You should adopt the principle of time management in your life. Organize the time you have, manage your time and utilize it properly. The five-time prayers also teach us the principle of management of time. We have a total of 24 hours of day and night. 
How should we manage these 24 hours?
We offer five prayers during these 24 hours. We should have a timetable for these 24 hours. There should be a certain time to wake up, eat food, meet people, do business or job and everything else besides this. These days we have clocks to check time, which weren't available earlier. Earlier people would determine time of the day through conjecture. But now it is very easy. Every person has a watch. You can manage time by the minute and by the second. Today it has become possible to manage time more easily. It is extremely important to manage time. You have to learn the art of time management. 

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