We Have to Discover God

God wants us to think and discover realities. This is known as marifat, or realization of God. Angels have already been told about God. The moment they were born, angels knew that God exists. They had knowledge of God from the very time of their birth. Humans must know God through their discovery and study. They must think, use their mind and then discover God to have faith in Him.

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God wants us to think and discover realities. This is known as marifat, or realization of God. The human mind should unfold, develop intellectually and then discover God. This is discovery of the Creator. Angels don’t need to discover the Creator, because they know God since the time of their birth. Lions and elephants don’t need to discover God. The mountains and oceans don’t need to discover God. Stars and animals don’t need to discover God. Even angels don’t need to discover God. It is only required of human beings that they should discover God.

The Quran says:  وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ (51.56) I created the jinn and mankind only so that they might worship Me. A Companion of the Prophet has said that here ليعبدون  means ليعرفون. That is, to worship God means to discover God. (Al-Majalisatu wa Jawahir ul-Ilm, v. 2, p. 93) God Almighty created human beings so that they could discover Him. What does marifat mean? It is to discover God. Angels have already been told about God. The moment they were born, angels knew that God exists. They had knowledge of God from the very time of their birth. Humans must know God through their discovery and study. They must think, use their mind and then discover God to have faith in Him.

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