How To Remember God?

The abundant remembrance is remembering God abundantly, this is not about in terms of numbers, it's about in terms of spirit. That is to say, every moment, only that same God comes to mind, only His remembrance comes to mind. It means that every event becomes a reminder for you of God's blessing. Every experience, during the day and night, should become a reminder for you, of God's blessings. It is this which is called abundant remembrance.

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I met a Sufi gentleman, and he said that the Quran says to remember God abundantly. (33:41) And they started asking what its quantity is, by quantity meaning how many times, what does remembering abundantly mean. A thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million times, they began to quantify it in terms of numbers. They thought that if we say Allah, Allah, Allah that many times, it will become abundant remembrance. I said, "Astaghfirullah" (I ask forgiveness from God), that's not what it means. This is about in terms of spirit, this is not about in terms of numbers. The abundant remembrance is remembering God abundantly, this is not about in terms of numbers, it's about in terms of spirit. That is to say, every moment, only that same God comes to mind, only His remembrance comes to mind. It means that every event becomes a reminder for you of God's blessing. Every experience, during the day and night, should become a reminder for you, of God's blessings. It is this which is called abundant remembrance.

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