A Tension-Free Life

I am always ready to compromise at every moment in practical matters. At the level of my mind, I always live in perfection, I live in idealism at the level of my mind. But outside of my mind, I am always ready to compromise. I even compromise with an ant, let alone a human being. Why? What benefit do I get from it? I remain tension-free every second. And every moment, I spend in reflection, remembrance, and contemplation.

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Let us understand this well: In this world, idealism works only 1%,  while practical wisdom works 99% . Whether you are at home, in the office, in business, in society, anywhere, or in international life, this formula will apply everywhere. Now, I will share one of my experiences with you. By the grace of God, I strictly adhere to this formula, that is, the formula based on practical wisdom. I am always ready to compromise at every moment in practical matters. At the level of my mind, I always live in perfection, I live in idealism at the level of my mind. But outside of my mind, I am always ready to compromise. I even compromise with an ant, let alone a human being. Why? What benefit do I get from it? I remain tension-free every second. And every moment, I spend in reflection, remembrance, and contemplation.

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