A Sincere Seeker Certainly Arrives at the Truth

Taqwa means to be cautious. If you are a true seeker, when knowing the truth is really your concern, you will be very serious about it. You will consider everything with utmost sincerity. If a person has this temperament, whenever he reads the Quran he will consider every statement objectively. He will try to understand the message by breaking free from his biases.

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Surah al-Baqarah says: ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِينَ (2:2) This means that the Quran is without doubt the truth. But it can provide guidance only to those who are God-conscious. Taqwa means to be cautious. If you are a true seeker, when knowing the truth is really your concern, you will be very serious about it. You will consider everything with utmost sincerity. If a person has this temperament, whenever he reads the Quran he will consider every statement objectively. He will try to understand the message by breaking free from his biases. He will remove his conditioning to know the real meaning of the Quran. This world is a testing ground. This is our test here. The test you pass through to find the truth is that you should be sincere, serious and cautious. You should sincerely want to know what the truth is, with your whole being. Such a person certainly arrives at the truth.

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