In the Quran Conference 2019, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan gave the call: Take Quran to the World. He explained that this is the age of religious understanding; everyone wants to know about religion, so taking the Quran to the world is the duty of Muslims so they can give people the divine message to all mankind. It is a divine mission. With the aim of taking the Divine Message to all humanity, CPS Quran For All Initiative was launched to become a focal point for presenting the peaceful message of the Quran through its translations, commentaries, and literature presenting Islam as it is in the contemporary idiom to all humanity. Under the Initiative, CPS Chapters, Quran Distribution Centres and AoPs worldwide are using every peaceful means to promote religious understanding and take the universal message of the Quran, i.e., Islam to all humanity in the modern idiom by distributing copies of the Quran.

One of the initiatives launched by CPS more than a decade ago to take the Word of God to all humanity was placing an Order Free Quran Form: Through this form people anywhere in the world can request a copy of the Quran in their preferred language. CPS International with CPS Chapters and Quran Distribution Centres arranges to deliver copies of the Quran at their doorstep.

The present network of Quran Distribution Centres reaches out to many areas in the world. However, this is a herculean task. QDCs need to be started in many other places. If you would like to take part in this initiative by starting a Quran Distribution Centre in your region, contact us. [email protected]





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