Anxiety is a form of distress, sometimes about sad memories or past losses, and at other times about uncertainties regarding the future. It is a common phenomenon, and a majority of men and women live in various states of anxiety.

Anxiety is a killer habit, self-destructive. Any external agent does not cause it; it is you, yourself, who has developed this killer habit.

Discover the genesis of anxiety, and you will readily be able to get rid of it. Anxiety is not a physical problem. It begins in the mind and can be buried only in the mind. Anxiety is a psychological issue. We can manage anxiety at the level of our mind. To address this problem, the Prophet once observed, "The strong believer is better and dearer to God than the weak believer; however, in each of them, there is goodness. Be keen on what benefits you and seek help from God, and do not give up. If anything afflicts you, do not say, ‘If I had done such and such things, such and such would have happened.’ But say, ‘God decrees and what He wills He does,’ for (the utterance) ‘If I had’ opens the doors of satanic thoughts." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2664)




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