Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

With the passing of years Muhammad became less and less interested in business and devoted more and more of his time to the search for truth by means of reflection and meditation. He would often go to mount Hira, three miles from Makkah, where he stayed in the cave there lost in thoughts for hours. He sought answers to the mysteries of life. What is man’s true role in life? What does the Lord require of us, as His servants? From where does man come and where will he go after death? This phase of Muhammad’s life is referred to in the Quran in this verse.

“Did He not find you wandering and give you guidance?” (Al-Duha, 93:7).

At the age of 40, the angel of the Lord appeared before him bringing the first message from God.

The angel said to him “Read.”

The Prophet replied, “I do not know how to read.”

Then Muhammad felt that his body was being squeezed hard. Then the angel released him and repeated the same command. Again Muhammad replied that he did not know how to read. Then the angel again squeezed him and then released him for the third time and said: Read!”

Then the angel Jibril revealed to him the chapter Al-Alaq.

“Read! In the name of your Lord, who created: created man from a clot (of blood); Read! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know.” (Al-Alaq, 96:1-5)

The Prophet trembled in fear at what he had seen and heard in the cave. The revelation had been a totally new experience for him. Immediately after the disappearance of the angel, he set off home.

On arrival, the Prophet asked Khadijah to wrap him in blankets. He was shivering with high fever. When he calmed down, he related the whole incident to her.

Khadijah, being very kind and understanding, tried her best to reassure him.

Khadijah then suggested that they should go and consult her cousin Waraqa ibn Nawfal, who had become a Christian hermit.

Waraqa heard the whole account from Muhammad and said:

“I am sure that the angel who descended on Moses has descended on you. You will be abused, and you will be pursued. I wish I could be alive to give you my support when your people will turn you out.”

“Will they turn me out?” The Prophet found this difficult to believe. Waraqa replied that people have always turned against those who are recipients of God’s messages.

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