Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | ST weekly blog | Nov 13, 2017

Conflicts and quarrels have always been a feature of human society. That is not to say that there is no escape from this deplorable situation. It depends solely upon the concerned individuals whether they entangle themselves in such conflicts or manage to keep themselves away. This holds true for individuals, as well as for nations.


Most quarrels start with verbal exchanges that grow heated. People over-react and become hostile to each other. Their retaliatory thinking often results in full-fledged enmity. Negative action is the result of negative thinking. Negative activities should be countered in a positive manner. The best principle to follow is that whenever you encounter any unpleasant situation, think carefully before speaking, or acting. Verbal exchanges can snowball into more serious conflicts; if something poses a real threat, it must be taken seriously. You should make every effort to solve the problem at hand, but confine yourself to resolving it by discussing it. Even if your feelings are hurt, there is no real harm, only imaginary harm. And reacting on imaginary grounds would not be wise. Exercise restraint. Ignore provocation.

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