How to Lead a Life of Fulfilment
Chapter 102 of the Quran refers to a reality of life in these words: “You were obsessed about acquiring more and more till you reached the grave.” (102:1-2) This verse refers to a historical fact. Every person is engaged in acquiring more and more money, but very soon, he dies without fulfilling his desires. Why this sad state of affairs in human history? The reason is that a person follows his desires without knowing that the present world was not created for this purpose. This disparity between man and the world has led to the tragic end of a man dying without fulfilment. This is because the world was created as a testing ground for a limited period and not for man to fulfil his unlimited desires. The right way of life for every man and woman is to discover the Creator’s creation plan and accordingly plan his or her life. Man is not the creator of the world, so he has no option other than to follow the scheme of things determined by the Creator.
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