Between Possible and Impossible
The study of the life of the Prophet of Islam shows that for several years after starting his mission in 610 AD, he communicated his message quietly through private individual meetings. At that time, idols were worshipped in Makkah as well as in the whole of Arabia. The culture of idolatry dominated everywhere. Idolatrous practices had taken root in the lives of the Arabs, right from the moment of their birth till the day they died.. In such a situation, introducing the message of monotheism into the environment of idolatry was simply to invite clash and confrontation. Given this situation, the Prophet of Islam had either of two options. One, to invite people publicly to respond to the call of monotheism and openly condemn polytheism ( shirk). The second option was to start his mission quietly through individual meetings and take further steps only after gauging the circumstances. If he adopted the first method, there would be chances of violent confrontation. That is why he gave up that idea. Instead, he adopted another method, clearly a peaceful method, by which it was possible to continue his mission without it leading to conflict. This was the first example of peaceful activism in the life of the Prophet. In like manner, he launched his entire movement on the principle of peace.
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