The history of man begins with Prophet Adam. After the creation of man, throughout long periods of history, God appointed and sent His messengers to inform man of His creation plan. He wanted mankind to know what the Creator wants from him in this world and what his fate is going to be in the world hereafter. More than 100,000 prophets over a long period of time, including Prophet Noah, conveyed God’s message to mankind. According to Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, the Prophetic Role of Noah holds significance for all generations of human history. Although the event of the Great Flood took place in the pre-historic period, it appears that God wanted this event associated with Noah and his Ark, to be discovered in the later period of history. Thereby, it would become a sign for future generations, an event from which people would learn a lesson in life. This would, thus, become a tangible proof for seekers of Truth to heed to the Truth given in the Quran. Also, it will support the call to God in modern times.

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