Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I 18th Nov. 2012 I Page 12The universe in its entire existence is a silent proclamation, but it is only when man unstops his ears that he starts to hear it.He finds it impossible that in a universe where the stars and planets survive for millions of years, man with all his desires and ambitions is obliterated from the face of the earth in a very short period of time.In a world where there is the beauty of the trees, the delicacy of the flowers, where air, water, sun and innumerable such meaningful things have been provided, should there be no other fate for man but an endless chain of woe and agony?Then he finds it impossible too that in a world of boundless opportunities, where tiny seeds sown in the earth have the potential to grow into a whole forest of lush green vegetation, man should reap no fruit after leading a life of piety and virtue.In a world where a bright day follows each dark night, centuries go by but justice does not make its appearance. [Highlight1] And where earthquakes and tempests, reined in by nature, slumber in the lap of the earth, man continues to oppress people without anything ever staying his hands.About such people who ponder over existence, the Quran says: "There are signs in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day for people of understanding; who remember God while standing, sitting and [lying] on their sides, and who ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying, 'Lord, You have not created all this without purpose'" (3:190-191).Those who go deeply into the matter find it inconceivable that a meaningful universe should culminate in a meaningless end.
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