Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The ruling on prayer in the Quran is described in these words: Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. (4:103)

It means that a believer should not only offer the daily five prayers at their appointed times, but also perform other tasks on time. A Muslim is one who has included punctuality in his life, who performs every chore on time just as he performs prayer at its appointed time.

Punctuality is not a simple matter. Punctuality is related to the discipline of life. A responsible person should perform every task with discipline and punctuality. Punctuality means not just organizing your time, it has a social aspect as well. Man is a social being. When a man systematically does his work, he cooperates with others to do their work systematically without any obstacles.

Punctuality is a sign of a responsible person. A responsible person cannot afford to be forgetful of time.

Punctuality is closely related to well-wishing for fellow human beings. Punctuality is a sign of a responsible person. A responsible person cannot afford to be forgetful of time. The fact is that when you waste time, it is no simple matter, but it is a dual error. It means you are wasting the time of others along with your time. The importance of time is so great that it is dangerous to underemphasize it.

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