Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | February 13, 2017

One day, a young man and his wife came to meet me. The man asked me for some advice. I replied, saying, "I will only say one thing: and that is, consider complaining to be forbidden to you."

The man said, "Why do you consider complaining to be so bad?"

I replied, "The 'complaint culture' is a Satanic culture. The one who first invented 'complaint culture' was the head of the devils, Iblis. He had complained to God: 'I am better than man, but You gave him charge of the earth instead of me.'"

About Satan it is said that he is the biggest enemy of man. How does Satan go about doing this work of enmity against man? His method is to look around to see which person has developed a complaint and then he begins to further stoke that complaint inside him or her. Satan takes this psyche of complaint to such an extreme that the person becomes overpowered with complaints. Complaining becomes the biggest and most prominent feature of such a person.


If you put a stone in your pocket, it will remain just as it is now even a hundred years later. But the issue of complaint is different. Complaints always grow. They keep mounting. Complaining is the root of all evils. Once complaining takes root, it turns into hate and then assumes the form of revenge. Then, it further exacerbates and transforms into violence, so much so that it leads people to war and even to horrors like suicide-bombing against supposed enemies.

Complaining may seem like just a single evil, but it inevitably grows and grows and turns into a thousand evils. As far as one's character is concerned, complaining is nothing less than an assassin.

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