Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Sunday Guardian | June 06, 2020

A believer makes mistakes but does not stoop to baseness. Mistakes are often made in sudden fits of emotion, but, when the passion cools down, one becomes conscious of the error and feels ashamed of one's own wrongdoing.

The next step is to seek out the wronged person, beg for the latter's forgiveness and try to make amends. If any form of compensation can be given, it must be settled at the earliest. If not, one should pray: "Lord forgive my mistake and accept this salutary prayer from me on behalf of the person I have wronged!"

A person with a mean character would behave in quite a different way.

A person who has stooped so low feels neither shame nor any urge to make amends for what has passed. In fact, he would be happy to see his opponent suffer more. If he has a grievance against someone, he is not satisfied merely with a severance of relations but does his utmost to lay that person low.


He makes slanderous accusations and concocts vicious plots against him.

He does not just point out that person's errors; he seeks to discredit that person completely and isolate him from the rest of the society. He tries to undo whatever his enemy has accomplished and bring all his gain to nought.

This shows a lack of magnanimity and, as such, is unbecoming of a believer.

Refusal to admit one's faults is contemptible.

It is likewise despicable to favour one's own kith and kin, while treating others with disdain.

A base person cannot rise above envy and vindictiveness. Such a person is far away from God.

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