Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | June 15, 2015Very often it happens that something people try out turns, if they don't control it, into a habit. If the habit is not stopped, it turns into an addiction. And an addiction very often becomes so deeply engrained that people reach the point of no return, when it becomes practically impossible to cure them of it.This is the case with every bad habit and addiction. [Highlight1] Given how quickly habits can turn into seemingly incurable addictions, it is very necessary to repent for mistakes as soon as we might make them. At that very moment, you should introspect, acknowledge your mistake and change your way of behaving. You should not postpone it to tomorrow to make amends for your mistakes. You must make amends not just today, but immediately, right away.If you fail to immediately correct a wrong way of behaving, it is very possible that you will develop a taste for this behaviour. And then, it may become a habit and then even an incurable addiction.
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